You rifle through Kiera's pockets, making sure Silv isnt watching, but all she has on her is her phone. You can't unlock it, but there's some notifications from Grizzco's Security Alerts that you can read.

botlog 12:01am: Front door opened.
botlog 12:29am: Front door opened.
botlog 1:03am: Front door opened.
botlog 1:32am: Front door opened.
botlog 2:25am: Back door opened.
botlog 2:37am: Back door opened.

Intriguing. You place her phone back in her pocket and walk back over to Silv. You inform them that she just wont wake up, and you ask where the heck Ashe and Ben are, anyway.

"Ashe I don't think is in yet," Silv says, "and last I saw, Ben was in the kitchen, stealing, like, fourty muffins. I didn't have the heart to tell him that they're stale." They sigh and snap their logbook shut. "Anyway, if you see either of them, or the missing Dynamo, let me know, will you?"

Go to the kitchen to find Ben.
Go to the security room. Maybe you can check out the footage.