"It's Katie!" you gasp. Yes, it all makes sense now... She was one of the last to leave, and she was the one who reported the radio broken this morning... The only one who can corroborate her alibi is Ashe, and theyre a thing, so--

Ashe shoots you the most unbelievably deadpan look youve ever seen in your life. "I'm gonna need you to run that by me again."

"Uh," you say, suddenly sweating profusely.

Instead of kicking your butt, Ashe pulls out her cell phone and makes a phone call. "Hey, babe?" she asks once the other line picks up. "Are you the murderer? ... Oh, here, let me put you on speaker."

"Bblblbl blblbllbbl!" Katie's garbled voice comes from the phone. Everyone gasps in terror.

"Oh jeez, they got Katie!" Dan cries. "What are we gonna do?"

You hear another loud SPLAT come from outside. You grab Grizz and throw the security room door open and bolt out, the others hot on your heels to see whats going down.

Across the hall, you see Jenna, standing outside the door to the armory. Or, she would be standing, if she hadn't been splatted as well. She's just a puddle of ink in a life preserver now, and she quickly hops up to you and desperately blurbles.

You revive her, and she scrambles back to her feet. "Nope!" she says, and skedaddles into the security office, closing the door behind her. "Nope nope nope!"

You look up and down the hallway. You don't see the culprit anywhere, but they have to be close.

Go to the armory! Arm your friends!
Go all lone wolf and track the culprit down!