
EOTM Rules and Regulations--2024 Edition

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All scores must be from Splatoon 3.

The winner(s) will have their icon and name added to the Employee of the Month wall!

They will also receive the special @Employee of the Month role, which will place them at the top of the member list under the mods! Think of it as your front row parking!

Submit using the current month's link.

All submissions must include a screenshot from this month, so all screenshots must come from the Nintendo Switch Online app so we can check weapon comps.

Please include the whole team roster in your screenshot.

All submitted scores must be from a normal, non-princess run, and must have resulted in a victory.

You must be a current member of the Grizzco Break Room Discord Server in order to participate.

Have fun!

Each month of 2024 will feature a different challenge! Click below to read rulesets for each month.

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